Bazaar installer on Mac OS/X

Lars Hoss lars at
Wed Jul 22 13:02:53 BST 2009

Hi Nick,

there was a post some days ago:



reporting from the EuroPython 2009 Bazaar sprint, I have just uploaded
the 1.16.1 installer to Launchpad:

Finally I also managed to document the build process, so basically
anyone could build the installer on a Mac running Leopard:

Best regards,



> Hi,
> I just wondered if there's any update on making Bazaar's installer work
> on OS/X. It installs QBzr but it does not install the required
> dependencies (pyqt and Qt) so the user is left with a command line only
> installation. As Mac users are probably the most GUI oriented people
> around this equates to an unusable Bazaar installation for the vast
> majority of users on this platform.
> Cheers,
> Nick

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