Hello, and a question.. (disregard prevoius post, no I am not a moron :-)

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at GMX.net
Tue Jul 21 17:10:12 BST 2009

 >> I wrote:
>>> Last time I turned off the icons in TortoiseBzr,

On 21/07/2009 16:47, Gene Horodecki wrote:
> Also, I now realize that unchecking 'fixed drives' would have turned
> off all overlays.

Yes, that's how I did it, but as I wrote:

>>> the whole GUI was 
>>> shut down, leaving only a minimal context menu (About... and Help IIRC).

It might be a bug, or an unwanted feature. Naoki wrote there is no time 
to work on TBzr, maybe somebody with Python knowledge (which I lack) and 
some time will work to improve one point (the slowness) or (and) the 
other (possibility to deactivate overlays while keeping context menu 

>  I chose the /u route though to save on the memory use.

Same for me, no point in keeping a crippled extension. :-(

Operating on the Explorer has its uses, so I hope TBzr will improve 
someday, having choice of interface/GUI is a good thing Plus it is a 
familiar entry point for those coming from TortoiseSVN/Hg/whatever.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
--  http://Phi.Lho.free.fr
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