Hello, and a question..

Gene Horodecki geneh at shaw.ca
Tue Jul 21 04:57:37 BST 2009

Hi there.  I've used CVS, SVN, and git but then don't seem to do what I 
need them to do.  I now have high hopes for Bazaar.  I'm hoping someone 
can help me with some problems that I have been having.

Basically what I want to do is the 'Dropbox' idea, but I want to do it 
on my own server.  I have the ssh connection to my server all worked 
out, and I'm fine with having a batch script or something do the actual 
commit or update.  However, every package I try keeps a local cache that 
is pretty much the size of the actual files and I hope to avoid this. 

So I am trying a Bazaar repository with a lightweight checkout.  I have 
been warned that commits and updates will take a longer time and I am 
fine with this.  However, the problem I am having that I am not fine 
with is that actually browsing the working copy with windows explorer is 
painfully slow (I am also using tortoisebzn).  When I open up a 
directory in the working copy with several subdirectories, it takes ten 
seconds or so for the folders to even show up at which point my whole 
system slows.  It takes a loong time for the folder icons to schange to 
the green checkmarks.. if they all do.  I have not yet seen the root 
folder of the working copy change.  I don't recall having this problem 
with TortoiseSVN.. is this normal or is there something I can do about 
it?  Thanks.

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