[RFC] change test output to subunit when stdout is a pipe

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Jul 20 11:25:24 BST 2009

On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 19:51 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:

> > My goal with subunit is to relieve projects of needing to individually
> > reinvent such facilities though. If bzr can use subunit to get a short
> > option like you describe without special casing internally I think that
> > would be great. Hmm, perhaps file a bug (on bzr) and I'll look at it in
> > some idle moment.
> To me this is more like something that should be in a standard test
> runner than subunit - or maybe you see that as becoming subunit's job.

I would love it if the standard test runner could output subunit (by
bundling the python serialisation component ideally ;P). However
processing subunit streams for filtering/listing/reporting etc isn't a
core python task - and subunit is a multilanguage project; I'd hesitate
to roll the rest of it into python's standard library. Also, note that
the standard library *does* support subunit today, because subunit is
compatible with the standard library API: you just substitute in an
appropriate TestResult or TestCase (for serialisation or

> Probably 75% of bzrlib/tests/__init__.py but python package management
> being what it is it's much easier to just put it there.

If I'm translating correctly you mean '75% of bzrlib.tests.__init__'
should be in the upstream runner.

I think thats probably high, but certainly a lot would be nice to
offload. I see projects like testscenarios as a good way to take ideas
we've proven in bzrlib and make them accessible to others. If they
survive in the wild, we can then start proposing them for the standard

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