Automatic setting of --author when committing a merge

Robert Collins robertc at
Sun Jul 19 10:19:22 BST 2009

On Sun, 2009-07-19 at 10:22 +0200, Nicholas Allen wrote:
> Hi,
> I think it would be a good idea if Bazaar would set the --author
> option for each author of a revision in a pending merge when
> committing (or at least it could be an option to the commit command to
> do so).
> That way when PQM, for example, commits on behalf of a number of
> authors then the authors fields on the committed revision would be
> correct.
> What do you think?

I think it would be a mistake; those people are not involved in the
merge, they aren't authors of it. We have the data about who did what in
the history, and log can show it (it used to be default, but its not
anymore, and that drives the sort of question you're asking, IMO).

I'd be in favour of gathering up all the data and showing it on the
merged revision in log, but that will get rid of the performance aspects
of log -n1 being the default; - I'd want to raise making -n0 the default
again at that point.


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