bzr mv --after and bzr mv --auto don't work

Marius Kruger amanic at
Thu Jul 16 10:56:13 BST 2009

2009/7/16 Nicholas Allen <nick.allen at>

> Hi,
> I have recently done some large refactorings. Thousands of files have
> moved into new directories that are unknown to Bazaar. I was hoping I
> could use bzr mv --auto to guess all the files that moved but this does
> nothing. Then I tried manually telling Bazaar where I moved stuff with
> bzr mv --after but this always prints an error message saying the the
> source location is not versioned (I thought that was the point of the
> --after option).

I fixed this, and it is awaiting approval:

with regards to mv --auto, I think it would be nice if its possible to make
it interactive,
maybe it would be nicer to do this with bzr explorer.

<| regards
U| Marius
H| <><
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