Error running tests for plugins . . .
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at
Sat Jul 4 16:13:07 BST 2009
>>>>> "Russel" == Russel Winder <russel.winder at> writes:
Russel> I wanted to run the tests for the installed bzrtools
Russel> plugin. I had thought "bzr selftest bzrtools" might
Russel> do teh trick. However, this results in the
Russel> following. Am I just doing something stupid, or is
Russel> this a Bazaar bug?
Not being omniscient has nothing to do with being stupid :)
bzr selftest bzrtools
loads all plugins, all tests and only runs test whose ID match 'bzrtools'.
In contrast:
bzr selftest --starting-with bp.bzrtools
run only the tests whose ID begin with bzrlib.plugins.bzrtools[0].
'bp' is a shortcut for bzrlib.plugins, you'll find the list of
all known prefixes in bzrlib/tests/
# Obvious highest levels prefixes, feel free to add your own via a plugin
test_prefix_alias_registry.register('bd', 'bzrlib.doc')
test_prefix_alias_registry.register('bu', 'bzrlib.utils')
test_prefix_alias_registry.register('bt', 'bzrlib.tests')
test_prefix_alias_registry.register('bb', 'bzrlib.tests.blackbox')
test_prefix_alias_registry.register('bp', 'bzrlib.plugins')
Russel> File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/upload/tests/", line 44, in <module>
Russel> test_transport_implementations.TransportTestProviderAdapter):
Russel> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'TransportTestProviderAdapter'
Bad upload plugin ! Using deprecated test classes ! Oh wait, the
plugin has been updated long ago, time to update your copy !
And nag that plugin maintainer to release a new version !
[0]:It also avoid loading the tests whose ID doesn't begin with
the specified string, which speeds up selftest starting.
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