Bazaar Explorer by Pictures

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Sat Jul 4 10:34:36 BST 2009

Jean-Francois Roy пишет:
> Lars,
> I would still encourage you strongly to build a native interface.
> Getting bzr-explored working on Mac OS X is not trivial because of all
> the dependencies, and once running it clearly doesn't feel like a native
> application. I have the utmost respect for bzr-explorer, I think it's
> fantastic, but it is not a native, designed for Mac OS X application. A
> lot of non-technical users will get turned off by that.
> Hopefully, building a OS X client should not be too difficult
> technically. In fact, the application could be written in Python using
> PyObjC to interact directly with bzrlib.

I have no experience with Mac but on Windows Qt-based interface looks as native application.
I suspect its because Qt reuse as much as possible of existing GUI libs there.

I should say that efforts needed to write native client is sometimes very high, so it's more
productive to just re-use cross-platform solution. Because it means more developers working on
universal thing rather than on platform-specific thing.

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