Error running tests for plugins . . .

Maritza Mendez martitzam at
Fri Jul 3 19:33:30 BST 2009

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Russel Winder <russel.winder at
> wrote:

> I wanted to run the tests for the installed bzrtools plugin.  I had
> thought "bzr selftest bzrtools" might do teh trick.  However, this
> results in the following.  Am I just doing something stupid, or is this
> a Bazaar bug?
> Thanks.

I'm sure you're not doing anything wrong.  I wonder the same thing
sometimes.  So I spend a fair bit of time keeping up with selftest for the
plugins I use because I often find surprises.  Here's what I see on Jaunty
with a minimal set of plugins.

[ Since you're using bzr 1.17dev, here's what I find with bzr 1.17dev
(r4507) and bzrtools 1.17 (r715) ]

bzr selftest bztools

Ran 78 tests in 8.389s

tests passed

Note that when I used use bzr 1.16.1 to run the same tests, I got

Ran 78 tests in 4.972s

FAILED (failures=35, errors=1)
tests failed

So the developers are  definitely headed in the right direction.  :)

Is it possible that you're seeing an interaction between plugins.  I gather
from other comments on the mailing list that specifying which plugins to
test is quite different from actually specifying --no-plugins.  I remove all
doubt by simply disabling all plugins and testing them one by one before
adding them back.  It's a combinatoric zoo, but I don't see a good way
around it.

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