Bazaar Explorer by Pictures

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Fri Jul 3 12:12:34 BST 2009

On 03/07/2009 12:32, Ian Clatworthy wrote:

Good introduction. I discovered the Repository view (I don't use these).

> As well as some nice pictures

These are a bit on the heavy side (600KB each), I had time to see my browser load them 
while I am on a fast Internet connection...

PNG is an excellent format choice for screenshots, of course, but you should at least get 
rid of the alpha channel, and perhaps even switch to 256 colors: 21KB as a result... :-)

> It certainly isn't ready for Grandma

Interesting thought.
In a far, nebulous future, it might be interesting to customize the interface to 
accommodate some common, limited workflows (not unlike the Hat concept, perhaps) like mine 
(single developer on a single machine, or, now, with a shared online branch and local 
branches on two computers), that would hide some complexities of a fully featured VCS 
(checkouts, light or heavy, bound branches, repositories, etc.).

Sometime, all you want is some simple way to keep versions of your files, and be able to 
go back or see what have changed, and that's all... :-)

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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