Problem checking out files with non ascii characters

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Fri Jul 3 09:55:41 BST 2009

Aníbal Rojas пишет:
> Hello,
>     This error is happening when I run bzr checkout from a bzr built
> from sources:
>     bzr: ERROR: exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't
> encode character u'\xf3' in position 124: ordinal not in range(128)
>     I suppose Bazaar is able to handle non ascii characters as the
> files where commited in using a packaged version of Bazaar without
> problem.
>     I think the problem is that when this Bazaar binary was built from
> sources some encoding related library was missing, not sure which one
> and this is just a guess as I am not a Python programmer.
>     Any help will be appreciated,

Show relevant part of .bzr.log, please.

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