merge with no changes?
Krzysztof Nowicki
krissn at
Thu Jul 2 19:02:28 BST 2009
Parth Malwankar pisze:
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 8:59 PM, Neil Martinsen-Burrell<nmb at> wrote:
>> Parth Malwankar wrote:
>>> While working on some branches which I merge frequently
>>> I observed that a merge happens even that there are no
>>> (visible?) changes.
>>> So for example, I could merge A->B and B->A forever
>>> as the merge _always_ happens. I was wondering if this
>>> is expected behavior or there is something I need to better
>>> understand here.
>> A merge creates a new revision whose parents are the tip of the current
>> branch and the tip of the other branch. When you merge repeatedly like
>> this, you continue making new revisions with each commit which then need to
>> be merged to the other branch. I believe the graph would look something
>> like this
>> A "Initial"
>> |\
>> B | "Added x"
>> |\|
>> | C "Merge from bar"
>> |/|
>> D | "Merge from foo"
>> |\|
>> | E "Merge from bar"
>> and so on. Using ``bzr qlog`` from the qbzr plugin should show you this
>> structure of revisions.
>> -Neil
> Thanks Neil. Just tried the qbzr plugin. It does help visualize
> this better. I think I understand bzr behavior better now.
A couple of months ago I asked the same question and one of the replies
contained a link to a bugreport, so I guess it's not considered a
desired behaviour.
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