Nested trees support and updating the PPAs...

John Szakmeister john at
Thu Jul 2 15:41:07 BST 2009

On 7/2/09, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> wrote:
> John Szakmeister пишет:
>> I realize this feature isn't completed yet, but I constantly have to
>> deal with repositories that have a number of externals.  Is there
>> something I can do to help make nested trees support happen?  I've
>> looked at the design spec, and the progress page.  I'm still trying to
>> get familiar with all the internals of Bazaar, but there's no better
>> way than trying to get something accomplished, right?
> You can check scmproj plugin, so it's not so wonderful as nested trees
> should be.

I really want to be able to make this all play well with bzr-svn...
and Jelmer needs nested trees. :-(

> BTW, it's a pity to see that fresh version of hg 1.3 was already
> released with basic support of subrepos, while bzr hackers still
> discussing ideal solution. :-/

That's actually what prompted this email.


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