Webinterface for Bazaar in PHP

Christian Grobmeier grobmeier at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 10:29:14 BST 2009

>> I am asking if somebody of you does know some more webinterfaces,
>> preferable written in PHP (please, don't beat me :-)) since PHP is the
>> only language running smoothly on my 1and1 webspace. Python is
>> officially supported, but I never got it managed to run a standard
>> script. Same to CGI/Perl.
> I would love to see that too, since many free (or cheap) hosts support only
> PHP.
> I fear it is not possible though, at best you would have a PHP server asking
> a Python script to provide the data from the Bazaar (eg. with
> bzr-xmloutput).
> But if you cannot even run a simple Python script, you are out of luck.

hmmm... its worth a try I daresay. Beeing a total noob in Python, is
there a simple script of that kind for testing purposes around? If so
I am willing to try to install it on standard host and create a PHP
gui to it.

> The only other way would be to rewrite Bazaar in PHP, to understand the
> repository format(s), etc. Not impossible. Just overkill... :-)

Actually I even thought on that :-)
But looking at the docs, this is heavy duty. Its not to easy to
learn.... on the other hand, the php would only need read support. If
there is an easy to understand doc and maybe someone who is a bit more
deeper into detail...


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