Webinterface for Bazaar in PHP
Philippe Lhoste
PhiLho at GMX.net
Tue Jun 30 10:19:27 BST 2009
On 29/06/2009 12:47, Christian Grobmeier wrote:
> I am asking if somebody of you does know some more webinterfaces,
> preferable written in PHP (please, don't beat me :-)) since PHP is the
> only language running smoothly on my 1and1 webspace. Python is
> officially supported, but I never got it managed to run a standard
> script. Same to CGI/Perl.
I would love to see that too, since many free (or cheap) hosts support only PHP.
I fear it is not possible though, at best you would have a PHP server asking a Python
script to provide the data from the Bazaar (eg. with bzr-xmloutput).
But if you cannot even run a simple Python script, you are out of luck.
The only other way would be to rewrite Bazaar in PHP, to understand the repository
format(s), etc. Not impossible. Just overkill... :-)
Philippe Lhoste
-- (near) Paris -- France
-- http://Phi.Lho.free.fr
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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