selftest prompts for ssh password ??
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at
Wed Jun 24 12:31:09 BST 2009
>>>>> "Maritza" == Maritza Mendez <martitzam at> writes:
Maritza> Hi Vincent,
Maritza> Thanks again for your interest in this topic. Here's what I have done:
Thanks for your work :)
Maritza> 1. boot the jaunty box
Maritza> 2. attempt to run 'bzr selftest test_http.TestActivity.test_get -v' <==
Maritza> that's the first test that fails, every time
Hmm, ok, I get the failure again and I know why (see below).
I also know why I failed to reproduce it this week-end during my
other tests: even when using the installed bzr, I was still using
the local bzrlib from my sources.
Maritza> 3. instead of running selftest, bzr produces a dbus
Maritza> exception -- terminal outout included in archive as
Maritza> file 'dbus'
bzr-gtk related, reported upstream (dbus), fixed there, will find
its way back.
Maritza> 4. attempt to run same command again ==> runs
Maritza> without excpetion, but stalls on
Maritza> test_http.TestActivity.test_get(urllib,https,HTTP/1.0)
Maritza> The bit about bzr selftest throwing a dbus exception
Maritza> on the first try after login seems to be fairly
Maritza> repeatable. I see a lot of speculation about this
Maritza> in bug reports, but I have no idea if it is
Maritza> related...
Not related to our problem.
Maritza> 5. strace bzr selftest test_http.TestActivity.test_get -v with bzr-gtk(and a
Maritza> few other typical plugins) installed ==> strace_gtk_installed=yes.txt
Maritza> 6. test hangs in the usual place. ctrl-C to kill strace.
Maritza> 7. remove *all* plugins (including gtk) from my plugins directory, so that
Maritza> only system plugins are present (bzrtools, lanuchpag and
Maritza> netrc_credential_store)
Maritza> 8. strace again, same options ==> strace_gtk_installed=no.txt
Maritza> 9. test hangs in the usual place. ctrl-C to kill stace.
Ok. Sorry for my insistence there but an *ssh* password from
tests related to *http* was non-sense.
So I know realize that the ssh related one is certainly another
bug, I focus on the http hangs here.
Maritza> which suggests to me that it is the read() itself that is stalling.
Maritza> Thoughts?
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