selftest on PPA

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Wed Jun 17 07:20:55 BST 2009

>>>>> "martin" == Martin Pool <mbp at> writes:

    martin> 2009/6/16 Maritza Mendez <martitzam at>:
    >> I have not had much luck understanding  Need sleep.  :)
    >> But I have confirmed that
    >> test_http.TestActivity.test_get(urllib,HTTP/1.0,https) also stalls in 1.13.1
    >> which currently ships with jaunty.  So I would have discovered this a while
    >> ago if I'd been running selftest regularly.  :)
    >> I have not tried any version older than 1.13.1.

    martin> I've also seen hangs like this when there's an error in the http
    martin> server thread, possibly caused by a missing python library.  Obviously
    martin> (if this theory is true) it's a bug that we don't make the error
    martin> visible, a bug it doesn't just cause the test to fail, and a bug that
    martin> the dependency is not properly handled.

Whoohoo one bird three bugs or whatever :-)

I have been able to reproduce it on jaunty using the 1.15 PPA
version, *but* not if I use sources from the 1.15 branch (using
python 2.6.2 in both cases) 8-/

So something reaaaallly weird is going on there.


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