is there a spec on per-file commit messages?

Robert Collins robertc at
Wed Jun 17 06:03:09 BST 2009

On Tue, 2009-06-16 at 23:42 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Robert Collins wrote:
> > Or better, what API in bzrlib should be used to work with them?
> > 
> > -Rob
> > 
> There isn't anything in bzrlib. It was only written in the converter and
> in bzr-gtk. Basically, it is a Revision-property "file-info" which is a
> list of dicts, IIRC.

I'm putting together a small filter-branch implementation to allow a
user to recover data (they have unwanted data in a file - deleted the
file and that got the knits for it at the same time); I want to make
sure it doesn't corrupt things if used by other users [such as mysql
devs or imports from <...> that use per-file messages.

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