missing data...

Olivier R-D o.r-d at laposte.net
Thu Jun 11 11:52:48 BST 2009

> then he did a bzr log and, apart from his last log, all revisions where 
> from last week .... The work done the last 3 days is not there., 
> everything committed with --local is gone ....
After searching the mailing list one more time I found a very good mail 
from James Westby which saved our life :-)

Don't panic, they are not gone, just hidden. The easiest way to
get them back is to use the "heads" command from bzrtools.

   bzr heads --dead-only

should list the tip revision that you lost, something

   HEAD: revision-id: \
    jw+debian at jameswestby.net-20080125165417-9ddg56njwv6venrq (dead)

with the details underneath.

You can then run "bzr pull --overwrite -rrevid:foo .", where foo
is the revision-id from the above, to get back to where you were
before. You could "bzr merge" it instead if you wanted to get
back to the point after the "bzr update".

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