1.16 Release
Jonathan Lange
jml at mumak.net
Thu Jun 11 02:05:45 BST 2009
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 8:53 AM, Martin Pool<mbp at sourcefrog.net> wrote:
> 2009/6/11 John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com>:
>> I'll mention that I have a few patches which would be nice as part of a
>> 1.16 release, that have been unreviewed for a bit now.
> Anyhow, today's focus should be the bugs targeted at 1.16:
> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+milestone/1.16
> I won't paste them all here manually or do the RM's work, but there
> are 6 bugs still needing to be fixed or landed. One of them is mine,
> at least, which is to add a '2a' stable format name.
Hello all,
As you know, we are cutting the 1.16rc1 release today. Here's a summary
of where I think we are at. Please read it through and correct me where
I'm wrong.
Don't worry about the apparent length -- it's mostly whitespace. :)
These bugs are critical to the 1.16 release. The second bug isn't
assigned to anyone & isn't in progress.
#385103: stable format name needed for brisbane-core [Martin Pool]
I've spoken with Martin. He'll do this right now.
#385132: bzr uses inaccessible, internal URL when pushing to server
with host-relative default_stack_on url [???]
I've spoke with Rob about this yesterday. He's happy to help me fix
This bug is marked "Fix Committed". It would be nice if it landed on
trunk before the release.
#284038: push should warn about uncommitted changes [Vincent Ladeuil]
The review[1] is marked as "Needs fixing". I'm probably going to let
this slip to the next release unless someone wants to take over the
branch for Vincent.
These bugs are marked "In Progress":
#385453 make dist should fail if C files don't exist or can't be built
[Vincent Ladeuil]
I don't know the status of this. Although it would obviously be very
nice to get in for 1.16, I do not think it's necessary.
#362030 files whose content changed after EOL filtering erroneously
ma... [Ian Clatworthy]
igc says this needs tweaks, but he won't have time to do them today.
Does someone want to step up & make those tweaks for him?[2]
#380314 Branch.revision_history RPC fails on a stacked branch [Andrew
Andrew, what's the status of this? Is it really necessary for 1.16?
#385074 docs make bzr package too big [johnf]
This is not release critical. Martin has said he'll try to land the
patch that shrinks the PNGs today.
In terms of who's doing what:
jml / lifeless:
* fixing default_stack_on issue (bug 385132).
* bumping 2a format name (bug 385103).
* confirm status of revision_history RPC failure bug & possibly land.
* merge in 1.15 changes
* land PNG shrinking branch (bug 385074)
* Possibly develop & land a 'make dist' fix (bug 385453)
* Tweak igc's patch & get it landed. (bug 362030)
* Respond to jam's review of Vincent's push --strict patch.[1] Get the
branch landed. (bug 284038)
* Tell me if I've missed anything.
[1] https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/284038-push-strict/+merge/7283
[2] Ian says:
The first tweak has been pushed to:
The second tweak is an additional test which jam has basically written
in his review, but it needs some work because the "set rules" bit isn't
quite right. poolie might be able to assist you in tweaking it.
We *could* land the branch without the additional test (for now) but
please don't do that unless jam or poolie agrees.
bzrlib/tests/workingtree_implementations/test_eol_conversion.py shows
how to patch in custom rules. You can't use absolute paths but that
doesn't matter, the important point is that the rules change at all.
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