Q: howto change the root of the versioned filestructure?
Russ Brown
pickscrape at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 13:28:08 BST 2009
On 06/10/2009 02:37 AM, Erik wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm a developer at a small company using Bazaar as our versioning system for
> about a year. We do web-development on Windows, and except for one bug that we
> keep running into (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/218206), we're quite happy
> with it.
> We are running into a problem now however, for which I can't find a solution in
> the manual. The way we work currently is to version each webapp's directory from
> the root of the site. So the .bzr folder is in the root of the site. On our
> development servers, this is not a problem, but we don't want this on live
> ofcourse, this would expose the .bzr folder on the site.
> Besides that, I'd like to add the SQL updates we have, also to be versioned. And
> I don't want to put those in a directory under the site root.
> Currently, this is the situation, with "\wwwroot\site1\" versioned:
> \wwwroot\site1\[webpages]
> What I'd like is below, with "\wwwroot\site1\" versioned:
> \wwwroot\site1\siteroot\[webpages]
> \wwwroot\site1\SQLupdates\[SQL updates]
> Now my question is, how can I "move" the versioning one directory up, keeping
> the version history of the underlying webpages intact?
> I looked into "rebase", but I think that's not exactly what I'm looking for. Any
> help would be appreciated,
You should be able to do something like
cd to \wwwroot\site1\
bzr mkdir siteroot
bzr mv [files/directories you want to move] siteroot
bzr mkdir SQLupdates
Check that everything is good, and commit.
Using bzr mv will maintain the history of all moved files.
> Thanks, take care,
> Erik
> ps: last time I posted on this list I had trouble reply'ing again to the
> reactions I got, I hope it goed better this time =)
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