[MERGE][1.16] Added directory structure and started translation of docs in Russian.

Dmitry Vasiliev dima at hlabs.spb.ru
Tue Jun 9 15:17:45 BST 2009

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Alexander Belchenko writes:
>  > I've attached also excerpt from preview diff with changes to Makefiles 
>  > and some type fixed in originals. I'm not sure anybody without Russian 
>  > language knowledge will be able to review translations itself. So it's 
>  > not clear for me how the review process for such patches should work.
> Both Debian and Ubuntu have translation teams.  Ask for reviewers on
> their mailing lists, maybe?  There are probably mailing lists
> specifically for Russian translators, too.

Actually translation was made and reviewed by the team of 6 
Russian-speaking people. And moreover we asked to review it on ru_bzr 
Russian-speaking group (http://groups.google.com/group/ru_bzr) so in 
average additional 49 * 2 eyeballs have seen the translation. So I 
believe the translation itself doesn't need throughout review. But maybe 
some configuration changes need small review.

Also, as this patch is only a first stage of the Russian translation 
(but it's already more complete than Spanish translation) we want to 
release it now to get some early feedback from other Russian-speaking 
developers which use Bazaar.

Dmitry Vasiliev (dima at hlabs.spb.ru)

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