Couple of general version control questions...

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Wed Jun 3 10:16:13 BST 2009

Philippe Lhoste writes:
 > On 02/06/2009 15:07, Richard B. wrote:
 > > When I commit a fix/improvement, I don't want to include the .exe,
 > > .dll and .pdb files, but I do when I make a public release (ie. so I can
 > > debug any bug reports from customers).
 > I don't follow you there.

I'm assuming what he is saying is that he wants to be able to
reproduce the state of his workspace exactly as it was when he rolled
the release.  He's not using bzr for distribution, and he's not
distributing developer-only files.  (Not to mention that he said he'd
like to include his compiler, and since that's an MSFT product, as you
point out distributing that could land him in big trouble indeed! :-)

 > If you just keep all the released packages, it is easy to get back
 > to a given version.

But if the compiler changes (upgrade), the compiler bugs will change.
In the case of a Heisenbug, he wants to be able to determine exactly
what in his current environment is different from the release

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