Usage of bzr-hg plug-in

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Wed Jun 3 00:59:26 BST 2009

Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> writes:

> On Mon, Jun 01, 2009 at 08:11:44AM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> > Thank you. Someone with a Launchpad account will need to file that
> > report.
> Not me then. 

Appreciated. I hope someone can do it so this issue can be tracked.

> Yes, it's annoying that Launchpad requires you to create an account
> and needs your email address. […] you're not even willing to spend
> the 60 seconds it takes to sign up to Launchpad.

One more time: The issue is *not* the sign-up time. I don't know why
that canard keeps coming out unsolicited, but I wish it would stop.

The issue is the cumulative maintenance overhead of requiring yet
another site-specific identity instead of re-using an arbitrary existing
identity I already have. For details on why this is an issue (which is
rather off-topic for this forum), see any of the previous threads
discussing this.

 \       “As the most participatory form of mass speech yet developed, |
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Ben Finney

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