Fix committer name ?

Andrew Cowie andrew at
Tue May 26 02:59:34 BST 2009

On Mon, 2009-05-25 at 12:48 +0200, Xavier MAILLARD wrote:
> I need to read about rebase.

[as I understand it:]

Rebasing creates new [completely new] revisions with content similar to
the set it is replacing.

So long as **no one else** has the old revisions, you can continue your
work from this point, discarding your old work.

If **anyone else** has the original revisions and in turn builds upon
them, then there is nothing you can do. All you are doing is creating a
second set of revisions with exactly the same thing as the originals,
and it will likely cause merge conflicts when your "new" revisions are
later merged with your original ones.

[did I get that right?]


I *DO* wish we had a way to commit changes to metadata; then we could
clean up these things.


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