Fix committer name ?

Xavier MAILLARD xma at
Mon May 25 11:48:52 BST 2009

Le Mon, 25 May 2009 08:55:16 +0200,
Martin Pool <mbp at> a écrit :

> 2009/5/25 Xavier Maillard <xma at>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I did not pay attention to my commit messages and I just saw that
> > my name is wrong.
> >
> > I forgot to introduce myself to bzr and it has used my login name on
> > my current machine -i.e. xma at homer instead of "Xavier Maillard ...".
> >
> > Is there anything I can do to correct this for all revisions ?
> If it's just one, you could uncommit and recommit.  But it sounds like
> it's many of them, and in that case you'd need to do a rebase
> operation.  I'm not sure if this is automated in the rebase plugin, if
> not it probably should be.

Sounds complex to me. I need to read about rebase.

ANyway, thank you.


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