Fwd: Bob Tanner: dev box death, potential impact of 1.15final
Martin Pool
mbp at sourcefrog.net
Fri May 22 09:57:32 BST 2009
Slipping because our pipeline is irregular is bad; slipping because of
an extrinsic factor like this is not particularly a problem here, in
my opinion.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bob Tanner <basictheprogram at gmail.com>
Date: 2009/5/22
Subject: Bob Tanner: dev box death, potential impact of 1.15final
To: mbp at sourcefrog.net, robertc at robertcollins.net
Hi guys,
Sending private mail as this gmail account isn't on the mailing list.
My Macbook Pro has some sort of hardware failure. On that Mac is my
linux vmware fusion session where I build bzr releases.
I have a disaster recover image (go SuperDuper!) and use Time Machine
each night -and- a recovery dvd, but that doesn't do me any good when
the system won't even power on!
I have an apple store (Genius Bar) appointment at 9am (CDT) for
someone to look at my mac.
I have someone putting together a computer at the office with Hardy so
I'll have a system to building 1.15final but I do need to give 100% of
my attention to my Macbook until it's repaired or sent for repair
since it's the computer the pays the bills.
Just keeping you informed.
This email is not signed as I don't know if gmail can do that :-)
Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>
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