Is it possible to delete a branch from repository?

Talden talden at
Mon May 18 02:34:10 BST 2009

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 1:24 PM,  <"Olin Shivers
<olin.bazaar.7ia at>"> wrote:
> I cannot figure out how to delete a branch in a bazaar repository --
> that is, how to reclaim the storage in the top-level .bzr repository
> that is not referenced by any existing branch under the repo.
> I've poked around on the net and checked the documentation and the FAQ
> on the bazaar web page. No luck. Can it be done?

I believe this has been referred to as Garbage Collection for the
repository.  As far as I know there is no such feature.

I'm not sure if there's a better way but I think you can achieve this
with something like
1. Create new repo
2. branch each branch you want to keep from the existing repo into the new.
3. move the new repo into place to replace the old.

Remember, take a backup first.


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