[MERGE] Using unicode Windows API to obtain command-line arguments.(#375934)

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Thu May 14 09:18:50 BST 2009

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Hash: SHA1
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> ....
>> It changes the definition of the argv parameter in main(). Now, I don't
>> think that main() is really the recommended api (that would be run_bzr).
>> But I'm tempted to instead do:
> ....
>> So I'll leave the choice up to you. But I would like the code here to
>> ensure that argv is a list of unicode strings when it is done.
> ....
> I should mention that however main() gets changed, we should probably
> have some information in NEWS about the difference. Something like:
>   Not passing arguments to ``bzrlib.commands.main()`` will now grab the
>   arguments from ``osutils.get_unicode_argv()`` which has proper support
>   for unicode arguments on windows.
> And if you change compatibility, you should add:
>   Further, the supplied arguments are now required to be unicode
> strings, rather than user_encoded strings.
> Or something along those lines.

Yes, you're right. I'll put it to API breaks section of NEWS.

> John
> =:->
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
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> =c9L/

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