[MERGE] Using unicode Windows API to obtain command-line arguments.(#375934)

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed May 13 20:38:34 BST 2009

This patch improves command line arguments handling on Windows.
For details see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/375934

In short: current bzr code unable to get correct unicode command-line arguments if they're outside
of current user encoding. Function get_unicode_argv() in win32utils.py based on the code from
fixutf8 extension for hg. I've added special filter for arguments when bzr used with usual python
interpreter (things are much simpler when standalone bzr.exe used).

I think this patch is improvement and will make bzr's unicode support even better.
I've tested it manually because I can't figure how to test it with selftest.

I hope John Meinel will be able to review this patch.
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