API for check

Robert Collins robert.collins at canonical.com
Mon May 11 02:38:56 BST 2009

On Fri, 2009-05-08 at 15:47 +0200, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> >>>>> "robert" == Robert Collins <robert.collins at canonical.com> writes:
>     robert> So, to get check reporting all errors, we need to stop raising
>     robert> BzrCheckError in bzr check; rather we need to accumulate errors and
>     robert> report them.
> Preferably reporting them as we go, but more importantly it may
> mean deeper changes as some checks may not make sense anymore
> once an error is encountered (the christmas tree syndrome in
> security monitors, i.e. too many error reporting may obscure the
> real root cause).

I'd rather a christmas tree than
repeated-check-runs-needed-to-find-root-cause. Its true there is a
balance to strike; but ideally we can get one bug report and be able to
answer authoritatively on the basis of that, 'do X and it will be fixed'
or 'we have Y bug'.

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