init and no-trees workflow

Parth Malwankar parth.malwankar at
Thu May 7 03:37:32 BST 2009


We have a setup in which we have a repo on a central
server (bzr+ssh). The developers 'bzr branch' from
this repo and merge/push/pull as needed.

The repo was created using the 'bzr init' command.

We don't need a working copy on the server
but I found that init does not have a --no-tree
option. 'bzr reconfigure --with-no-trees' failed
with "Requested configuration is not supported".

Now doing a push always gives a 'This transport does not
update the working tree of: bzr+ssh ...' warning but it
seems to work ok.

At this point I suspect I should have used 'bzr init-repo'
instead of 'bzr init' but I am not sure. Is this correct?

What would be the recommended way to get rid of this.
Do I just 'bzr branch --no-trees' on the server and
use that?

Does it make sense for 'bzr init' to have a
--with-no-trees option or reconfigure to support
updating standalone branches to no-trees or is
my understanding flawed?

We are using bzr 1.14.1


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