[MERGE] [BUG 363837] Catch _win32_delete_readonly failure to remove file or directory and try to recover

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed May 6 13:11:32 BST 2009

Marius Kruger пишет:
> 2009/5/6 Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net <mailto:bialix at ukr.net>>
>         2009/5/6 John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com
>         <mailto:john at arbash-meinel.com>>:
>             I think we could
>             1) Insert a small wait loop after the process goes away to
>             see if it
>             releases the file. This will help fix transient things. We
>             could try
>             every 100ms or so, for a max of 1s.
>     For diff there will be 2 files, for merge up to 3 files. So in the
>     bad possible situation bzr will wait up to 3 minutes just to try
>     cleanup things? Do you think it's really better than exit
>     immediately and print the names of files those are left?
> ahm, wouldn't it be 3 seconds for 3 files if we wait 1 second for each?

Yes, sorry, you're right: 3 seconds.

> Anyways, do you expect for them to end that quick? I'd think 3 seconds 
> would also be acceptable.
> Maybe your opt-in option can be seconds_to_wait_for_open_files=0 or  
> timeout_seconds=0  where 0 would mean we don't wait. So each operation 
> can specify how long it is willing to wait.

What is "opt-in"?

> -- 
> <| my2c, you almost have a $
> U| Marius

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