Milestone 1.15rc1

Bob Tanner tanner at
Mon May 4 20:56:05 BST 2009

On 2009-05-04 07:14:57 -0500, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> said:

> Can somebody shed some light on expected date/time for new release?

I normally wait until I get some sort of hint from the developers that 
the code is in a reasonable state for a release.

I weigh that with what I see at, ideally I'd like to see 
everything listed as "Fixed Released",  but I'll setting for all High 
and Critical issues fixed.

The above can be overridden by community discussion, +1 from core 
developers, etc.

Normally, this thread (a thread about the next release) because fairly 
active as the desire for a new release drawns near.

Your post, my response, will probably stirr some to give input as well.

Bob Tanner <tanner at>                  | Phone : (952 943-8700, Linux, OSX, VMware | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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