Aaaye! Deleted shared repository .bzr directory, any options?

Michael B. Trausch mbt at
Thu Apr 30 05:41:23 BST 2009

On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 11:00:14 +1000
Ben Finney <ben+bazaar at> wrote:

> "Michael B. Trausch" <mbt at> writes:
> > Nice lesson on priorities, at least to me. Backups are more
> > important than anything/everything else on a system. Period. I
> > don't think I will have any trouble remembering that lesson from
> > here on forward.  
> Backup doesn't matter a damn.
> It's *restore* that matters, and which needs to be tested
> frequently :-)

True, true.  Though, I tend to roll them together in my mind; after
all, a backup without the inability to restore is worthless as a
backup... ;-)

	--- Mike

When computers store data .... the [OS] tells the CPU to assign the
data a "file" name .... to manage ... files, many [OS]s also maintain
a File Allocation Table which tells the CPU where all data is stored.
                        --- Sgt. M.G. Murphy, MA State Police
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