
Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Mon Apr 27 09:40:05 BST 2009

Mmm, my previous tests/report was made on the new fast computer, where I have kept the 
icon overlays.

On my old, slow computer which have limited memory, I want to deactivate this icon thingy, 
while keeping the context menu features. I can uncheck the options in the Icon Overlays 
group, and keep the functionalities, but also the overlays. If I also uncheck the Drive 
Types/Fixed disks check box, the overlays go away (or, rather, are not added on discovered 
files, icons already decorated remain this way) but I also loose half of the context 
menus: I no longer see the top-level Bazaar Update/Bazaar Commit items, nor the Tortoise 
Bazaar sub-items except Help/Settings/About, which is quite limited...

I see no relationship between these overlays and the context menu and expected them to be 
independent, so I guess it is a bug I thought I should report.

Both computers use Bazaar 1.13-1 official Windows install.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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