looms v. rebase (or, Where are the blogs?!) [was: Re: Will re-basing support be added into Bazaar core ?]

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Wed Apr 22 18:57:31 BST 2009

Robert Collins writes:

 > How low do these numbers need to be not to force a change in workflow
 > for you, should you use bzr.

Dunno.  On Mac OS X, git + elisp + HFS+ slowness is just at the
threshold of perception, git itself about 0.1~0.2s for branch and most
commits.  It wouldn't need to be that fast, but 0.7s might be enough
to make me chafe.

We have a long vacation coming up at the end of the month ("Golden
Week"), maybe I'll generalize my code and try plugging bzr in in some
of my workspaces.

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