History editing (Was: Will re-basing support be added into Bazaar core?)

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Mon Apr 20 13:49:04 BST 2009

Paul Moore wrote:

> Ah! So that's what the business of levels in the history log and
> mainlines and all that stuff is about! It never registered with me
> that the bzr concept of history looked like this.
> That explains a lot about how people view things. And it's probably a
> more significant difference between the various different DVCS than
> I'd realised.

That implies that the User Guide still isn't good enough. Have a read of
and tell us (via a patch if you can!) how it needs to be improved.

Honestly, the top 3 DVCS tools are all great products. When Bazaar 2.0
goes live with a format that ought to pretty much remove speed and
efficiency from the list of differences, we'll be competing even harder
on philosophy and feature set. And our philosophy *is* different:

* we aim to be adaptive rather than tell users that there's one true
  workflow and one true workspace setup (when
  http://bazaar-vcs.org/DraftSpecs/SharedTreeAcrossBranches lands that
  will be even more true)

* we believe the mainline - and it's integrity - is more important than
  "it's just a DAG with named heads".

If those differences aren't obvious by reading the first 2 chapters of
the User Guide, then I'm failing in my job. So help me please!

Ian C.

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