Better name for dpush wanted
Stephen J. Turnbull
stephen at
Fri Apr 17 15:31:26 BST 2009
Ian Clatworthy writes:
> Luis Arias wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 5:51 AM, Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> wrote:
> >
> >> "bzr dpush" is only for users who want to push to a foreign vcs but
> >> don't want to leave any references to Bazaar (e.g. bzr-related file or
> >> revision properties in svn); in other words, they only want to push that
> >> data that can be natively represented in the foreign vcs.
I think if you want new users to understand off the bat what they're
getting into, you should avoid the word "push". In other VCSes, it
has extremely strong connotations of solving the "equation"
remote-commit = local-commit && x
for x. Given that you're cutting the commit out of its natural host
and adapting it into a foreign body, needing to neutralize all the
rejection-inviting antigens along the way, I think "transplant" has
the right connotations. The thesaurus offers "graft", "transfer",
"readapt", "reorient", and "uproot" as synonyms (along with a few that
leave me even colder than those last three). Unfortunately, in hg
"transplant" means "rebase" and "cherry-pick"[1], while in git "graft"
means "reparent". "Transfer" doesn't seem to work for me. "Relocate"
(which my thesaursus didn't mention) also seems apropos but stiff.
"Uproot" is sufficiently violent and has connotations of yearning for
your Real Home, but it's way too vague about the destination IMO.
> Fmom Jelmer's description of things, I'm beginning to think that
> the d best stands for "dumb". So, push-dumb, push-restricted and
> push-brain-dead are all possible names. :-)
It's bad politics to knock the competition in your command names. ;-)
> Seriously, I don't mind push-native fwiw.
None of those say a thing to me, and I don't drink the dVCS Kool-Aid
any more, I inject it intravenously. I really don't think they will
help new users understand what's going on.
[1] Doubly unfortunate, actually, since I think it's a terrible
name for those operations.
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