[MERGE/RFC] Userdoc Driven Design on the Bazaar 2.0 UI
Neil Martinsen-Burrell
nmb at wartburg.edu
Thu Apr 16 19:42:17 BST 2009
Russ Brown <pickscrape <at> gmail.com> writes:
> When we were evaluating replacements for svk, this was one of the key
> points that won it for Bazaar. Candidates were git, hg and bzr,
> evaluated in that order.
> I simply couldn't see the other members of my team liking the extra
> steps (and subsequent increased chance of mistakes) of having to
> explicitly push each time.
> Funnily enough the candidates seemed to become more suitable (i.e.
> easier to use) as I went along, but bound branches really tipped the
> balance there at the end...
I have a similar experience of being capable of using at least those 3 DVCS
systems functionally, but I *prefer* Bazaar. Bound branches are among the
reasons for that preference (others include the documentation in ``bzr help``,
the friendly community [mostly] and the ease of contributing back).
Someone mentioned recently that the seet spot for Bazaar may be in
interoperating with a large number of other VCSes and I would certainly like to
see that. The power of bzr-svn (and hopefully soon bzr-hg and bzr-git) make
Bazaar a great place to hang your hat if you want to choose one.
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