Off Topic: Possible mailing list problem - Reply-To field of mailing list is not setup

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Mon Apr 13 14:25:38 BST 2009

"Richard B." <dj_deipotent at> writes:

> There appears to be a problem with the mailing list, as the
> "Reply-To" part of the e-mail header is not setup as
> bazaar at

Right. Mailing list software has no business altering the ‘Reply-To’
field of messages
<URL:>, which is
only for the message author to set or omit as per RFC 2822.

> This means that when you reply to a message-list e-mail, the To
> field is set to the sender of the message

That depends on which “Reply” function you use. If you use “Reply
to sender”, yes, the sender's chosen address will be used, and the
sender can set the ‘Reply-To’ field on their messages as per RFC 2822.

> so no-one else on the list gets to see other peoples replies.

That's the intended effect when using “Reply to sender” (or whatever
your mail program calls that function). If that's not what you intend,
then you don't want to use “Reply to sender”.

If you intend a follow-up reply to the list, you should instead use
your mail program's “Reply to list” function, which will use the
fields specified in RFC 2369 (and which are found on virtually every
message header from modern mailing list software) to automatically
determine the correct addresses to use.

If your mail program doesn't have an RFC 2369-compliant “Reply to
list” function, motivate your software vendor to fix that, or switch
to one of the many programs that do have it.

 \      “My roommate got a pet elephant. Then it got lost. It's in the |
  `\                              apartment somewhere.” —Steven Wright |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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