Noob questions for installing/upgrading Bazaar, and setting up/understanding feature branch workflow...

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at
Mon Apr 13 14:01:23 BST 2009

[You need to "Reply to all" to make sure you reply goes to the list.]

On 2009-04-13 1:58 AM, Richard B. wrote:
>>> What would I type when starting a new fix/feature ?
>> cd Projects/Project1
>> bzr branch trunk new_feature
> If I want all feature/fixes to be in the branch folder though, would the
> second line be ?

These things are worth exploring on your own.  If you want you branches 
to be in a branches folder, then you just need to branch into that folder.

> bzr branch trunk branch/new_feature

This will work if the branch directory already exists.

>> As you work on your feature, you will commit in the new_feature
>> directory.
> So when working on new_feature, I would just type
> cd Projects/Project1/branch/new_feature
> Then, while still in this folder, every time I wanted to commit (just
> to new_feature and not trunk), I would then type ?
> bzr commit -m "merged new feature"
> BTW, I noticed you used single quotes around the commit message. Can I
> use either single or double quotes ?

You can use whatever quoting works with your shell.  I use single or 
double quotes depending on whether my commit message contains a apostrophe.


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