[MERGE][#346998] Fix MAPI send to email addresses

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at wartburg.edu
Sat Apr 11 15:47:07 BST 2009

On 2009-04-11 8:30 AM, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Neil Martinsen-Burrell wrote:
>> John caught a regression against 1.12 in MAPIClient when trying to send
>> to an email address.  The body parameter was not being properly
>> propagated.  The attached (trivial) fix solves the problem.
> It fixes it at the expense of backwards compatibility, by causing
> ExternalMailClient (which derives from BodyExternalMailClient) to supply
> a body parameter to clients that don't support it.
> A better approach would be to make the body parameter of MAPIClient
> optional.

Good point.  I don't think I fully understood before the interaction of 
the various MailClients.  Done in attached.

>> I have not
>> reduced the test coverage because there was none to begin with (hence
>> the regression) but I wasn't able to imagine a reasonable way to test
>> interaction with an external program, much less an external protocol. It
>> appears that MAPIClient is completely untested.
> Yes, I have the same problem.  Unfortunately, that lack of testability
> caused this regression to happen.

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