[MERGE][#346998] Fix MAPI send to email addresses

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Sat Apr 11 09:58:38 BST 2009

Neil Martinsen-Burrell пишет:
> John caught a regression against 1.12 in MAPIClient when trying to send 
> to an email address.  The body parameter was not being properly 
> propagated.  The attached (trivial) fix solves the problem.  I have not 
> reduced the test coverage because there was none to begin with (hence 
> the regression) but I wasn't able to imagine a reasonable way to test 
> interaction with an external program, much less an external protocol. It 
> appears that MAPIClient is completely untested.

bb:resubmit please

=== modified file 'bzrlib/mail_client.py'
--- bzrlib/mail_client.py	2009-03-23 14:59:43 +0000
+++ bzrlib/mail_client.py	2009-04-11 03:59:03 +0000
@@ -147,12 +147,9 @@
-        if body is not None:
-            kwargs = {'body': body}
-        else:
-            kwargs = {}
+        kwargs = {'body': body}
          self._compose(prompt, to, subject, attach_path, mime_subtype,
-                      extension, **kwargs)
+                      extension, body=body)

It seems like kwargs is not used in your patch at all.
So you either should remove it completely (i.e. delete kwargs = {'body': body} line)
or use it in self._compose call (i.e. revert change in the last line).

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