bzr-svn: need help using 'dpush' instead of 'commit'

Tino Lange Tino.Lange at
Wed Apr 8 11:24:27 BST 2009

Hi all,

Recently I evaluated bzr and especially the bzr-svn integration on our
repository and I was sucessfully able to check out, work on the project,
branch some stuff, and commit changes via "bzr commit".

But "bzr commit" sets various file and/or revision properties when commiting
to SVN -- which is intended as of

For my needs this is not acceptable, so I tried the "bzr dpush" command
which is described there as an alternative to "bzr commit", but witout
setting bzr specific properties. 

But it seems that "bzr dpush" has no (remote) effect, at least for me? When
calling this command in my working copy something happens, but at least
there's no check-in to SVN. A "bzr diff" still shows the uncommitted
differences. I can't tell, what "svn dpush" has done.

If I do "bzr dpush", then "bzr commit" it seems as if this is just like "bzr
commit" alone, all bzr specific properties are set.

I wonder how to use "bzr dpush" correctly to commit without bzr specific
file/revision properties? Can you please give me a hint or an example

To illustrate in the FAQ example:

> bzr init-repo --rich-root-pack beagle-repo
> cd beagle-repo
> bzr checkout svn+ssh:// beagle-trunk
> cd beagle-trunk
> (hack, hack, hack)

What to do now instead of 

> bzr commit -m "blah blah blah"
> (hack, hack, hack)
> bzr commit -m "blah blah blah"


> bzr dpush svn+ssh:// beagle-trunk
> (hack, hack, hack)
> bzr dpush

simply seems to do nothing?

Thanks for your help!
Best regards



I'm using bzr 1.13 and bzr-svn 0.5.3 on Ubuntu 8.04

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