When manually resolving directory conflicts isn't a feature

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at canonical.com
Tue Apr 7 15:00:55 BST 2009

Christophe TROESTLER wrote:
> BTW, why is a script erasing `bzr ignored` files prior to branch
> switching not fine with you?  (This could be turned into a bzr plugin.)

This feature already exists: “bzr clean-tree --ignored”.

Running that before every switch would help workaround this problem, but:

  a) it shouldn't be necessary,
  b) it's wasteful; for directories that are unchanged in the branch being
     switched to there's no need to delete anything, and it will cause the next
     “make” invocation to be slower (whether we are taking about .pyc files, .o
     files, or .aux files...).


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