Last day to vote/reject on proposed EOL names

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Thu Apr 2 02:46:04 BST 2009

> People checking out a project that has VC7 build projects under Linux,
> and accessing them via a Samba share, dual-booting, a VM, rsyncing,
> etc.
> I was personally bit by this a while back with CVS.

So why not have that file treated as as 'binary/exact'?  It will then be the correct format regardless of where you check it out.
> Not to mention a
> fair amount of files that someone checked in from an email/tarball from
> someone else.

So these files may have strange line endings in the repo, but I still would think that in the tree, you want either 'native' or 'exact'.

I admit I don't understand the implications for the repo, but speaking as a user, I'm not sure I really care - with SVN and CVS I don't really have a clue about what is actually stored in the repo - all I care about is what the working tree looks like on various operating systems.  So from the working tree's POV, I still don't see a usecase beyond 'native' and 'exact'...



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