bzr selftest status codes

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at
Thu Apr 2 00:32:00 BST 2009

Bob Tanner wrote:
> >Missing feature 'bzrlib._btree_serializer_c' skipped 1 tests.
> >Missing feature 'bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx' skipped 1 tests.
> >Missing feature 'bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_c' skipped 102 tests.
> >Missing feature 'bzrlib._knit_load_data_c' skipped 27 tests.
> >Missing feature 'bzrlib._patiencediff_c' skipped 12 tests.
> >Missing feature 'bzrlib._readdir_pyx' skipped 3 tests.
> What do I need to install to get the above tests to get run on linux?

If you have Pyrex and gcc and the python headers installed, type "make".

If not, install them, then type "make" :)

(On Ubuntu the packages you need are python-pyrex, python-dev and
build-essential, IIRC.)

> >Missing feature 'subunit' skipped 1 tests.
> What do I need to install to get the above tests to get run on linux?

Install somewhere on your PYTHONPATH.  Subunit is
only used for a feature of selftest, so I wouldn't worry very much about this.


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