CVS conversion: merged branches not in shared repo

Greg Ward greg-bzr at
Wed Apr 1 16:36:15 BST 2009

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Aaron Bentley <aaron at> wrote:
>> I assume the history of branch 3-6-1 is indeed present in my shared
>> repo.  But how do I clone that branch to fix another bug on it, if
>> there is no "3-6-1" directory in the shared repo?
> I'll call the 3-7-1 branch $BRANCH.
> Do "bzr log -n0 $BRANCH" for or "bzr log --long $BRANCH" for
> earlier versions to find the revno of the revision that was merged, i.e.
> the one that should be the head of 3-6-1.  I'll call it $REVNO.
> Now do "bzr branch $BRANCH -r $REVNO 3-6-1".

Thanks!  That seems to work.

BTW, I'm running 1.13, and it appears that "bzr log" == "bzr log -n0"
== "bzr log --long".  No funny options needed to find the former head
of 3-6-1, just a visual scan.  Too bad the visual scan is needed:
isn't there some sort of label for the head (or former head) of a
branch, the way Git and Mercurial work?

Just to clarify: this is a one-time operation that only has to be done
by the admin post-conversion, right?  If so, it's tolerable... but if
I have to ask my developers to do this every time they need to reopen
a branch to fix a new bug (which will probably be a couple of times a
day), they will be up in arms.


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