Bazaar on MacPorts

Russel Winder russel.winder at
Wed Apr 1 07:40:50 BST 2009

On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 05:02 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Russel Winder writes:
>  > Has anyone any idea why on MacPorts bzrtools depends on py25-baz (fine
>  > so far) which depends on bazaar 1.4.2 (Huh) ?
> Because you have a really ancient MacPorts database.  Current MacPorts
> svn has:
> $ port deps bzrtools
> Full Name: bzrtools @1.13.0
> Library Dependencies: python25, bzr, graphviz
> Have you done a "port -d sync" on your MacPorts tree?  If so, I don't
> know what to recommend ... convert to svn, I guess.

I do a "sudo port selfupdate" on a regular basis.  This also does a
"sudo port sync" as well, but I do that on an even more regular basis

        |> sudo port selfupdate
        MacPorts base version 1.710 installed
        Downloaded MacPorts base version 1.710
        The MacPorts installation is not outdated so it was not updated
        |> port deps bzrtools
        bzrtools has library dependencies on:
        |> sudo port uninstall bazaar
        --->  Unable to uninstall bazaar 1.4.2_1, the following ports depend on it:
        --->  	py25-baz
        Error: port uninstall failed: Please uninstall the ports that depend on bazaar first.
        |> sudo port uninstall py25-baz
        --->  Unable to uninstall py25-baz 1.5.3_0, the following ports depend on it:
        --->  	bzrtools
        Error: port uninstall failed: Please uninstall the ports that depend on py25-baz first.

So basically MacPorts has a FUBAR -- literally as no-one recognizes the
problem :-)

So I ended up uninstalling bzrtools, then I could uninstall py25-baz and
bazaar, then I reinstalled bzrtools.

Clearly this is an error for MacPorts, nothing to do with Bazaar per se.

Dr Russel Winder                 Partner

Concertant LLP          t: +44 20 7585 2200, +44 20 7193 9203
41 Buckmaster Road,     f: +44 8700 516 084    voip:  sip:russel.winder at
London SW11 1EN, UK.    m: +44 7770 465 077    xmpp: russel at
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